
Showing posts from September, 2014

Chrome APK packager: awesome app for devlopers

Hello friends,  I am back with new stuff for you. this time i am going to introduce you very useful android app. the name of this app is chrome apk packager. i will give you all information that you need to know about this app, how it works and all you will know about it in this post and my upcoming post. Using this app you can take a bundle of apk for running on ARchon. well what is ARchon this question will surely comes in your mind i know. ARchon is a Git Hub project that allows android apps to run on google chrome. sounds good !!!!!!

windows10 features

Hello friends, The big news came from microsoft of launching new operationg system. yes, microsoft has launched a new operating system "windows10". If we see sequence wise than it should be windows9 but microsoft skip windows9 and launched it as windows10. now what is the difference between windows8 or windows8.1 and windoows10????

How Linux is Built

Hello friends,  I am back with some new stuff for you.this time its Linux, yes Linux is a most precious invention in I.T fields of this century. How it is built and what's a story behind ? to know this here is one video that i have found while i was on youtube and i found it is useful to you guys so here i am sharing it with you. Hope you guys get some knowledge out of it have a good day !!!! : Python program made by me to add text in jobaka image

Hello friends, I am back with new stuff. This time i come up with funny python program of most recent trend "JO BAKA" photo Editing. Here is a program that take jo baka image as input and than whatever input you want to add then it will add that text in it and generate new image with contain that text. so friends enjoy it !!!!!! i am trying to put it on website and making android app of it so when uts ready i will share link of it :-)

HTC going to launch 64-bit smartphone in India : HTC Desire 820

Hello friends, HTC announced to launch 2 smartphones in the Indian market of 64-bit. Name of smartphone will be HTC Desire 820 and 820q. and the phone will be available from early November and pricing yet not announced. I found most interesting thing in this phone is its of 64-bit HTC smartphone in India and another is its secondary camera which is of 8 MP so its gonna be best selfie phone !!!

Automatic News Finding program for required keywords using Python

Hello friend today i have make this program.that i want to share with you. Actually every morning when i wake up first i read the news paper . it takes 20 minutes everyday. so i decided to make a python program which take care of my habit. it takes keyword as input and return the all stories related to thaat keyword from all news papers that i have included in my news papers. like , hindustan tims, india today and Hindus and you can add many other as per your wish. Now i had connected a text2speech conversion circuit and one speaker with it. That's it everyday it makes me feel happpy.  This is my code.  If you have any querry than ask me by putting it in comment box.Thank you...

How to make things Invisible !!!

Hello friends I am back with some interesting fact to share with you. Today I am gonna tell you how to make stuff invisible or  make yourself invisible. The concept which use to do this stuff is RETRO REFLECTIVE. If you had seen Iron man 3 concentrate fully than child tells  tony stark if i had mad this suite than i would like to fit retro reflective panel on it.after watching that movie i was eager to know about it so i had started searchng about it and got some information which i wants to share with you. What basically retro reflective is ??  This material is basically reflect the waves at source side. Wikipedia definition of this is " A  retroreflector  (sometimes called a  retroflector  or  cataphote ) is a device or surface that reflects  light back to its source with a minimum of scattering. An electromagnetic wave front  is reflected back along a vector  that is  parallel to but opposite in direction  fr...